This series tells the story of a kind and creative boy named Amato, who comes across a prison spaceship housing many evil robots. One of them is MechaBot, who has the ability to mechanize everyday objects into high tech devices. Amato outsmarts MechaBot and becomes his master. The two bond together as friends over the course of the series and team up in the form of a superhero named Mechamato to locate and capture the evil robots that had escaped the fallen spacecraft.
Kids, Animation, Action & Adventure, Comedy, Family, Sci-Fi & Fantasy
Episodes (13)
Food Fight
A brutal food review drives robo-chef Garamsey to kidnap Deep. Amato has to save Deep before he becomes the next course.
The Goblin & The Monster
Amato and friends stay late after school to finish a project, but they soon realize that they are not alone.
A Scary Screw-Up
Amato and Pian try to rehabilitate the bad robots but an accident gives the bad robot Scarescrew a chance to escape.
Mechanizer World
Amato's Mechanizer has been taken over by King Boxell. To stop him, the kids have to enter the digital Mechanizer World.
A Dangerous Game
Amato and friends visit a newly reopened game arcade, but unknown to them it's a trap laid by the bad robot Arcada.
Plastic Bottle Royale
While searching for plastic bottles for their class project, Amato and friends meet a recycling robot made from plastic.
The Destar Prix Race
Amato recounts the story of when CarBro and JetSis crashed the previous year's Destar Prix go-kart race.
Cone-Nichi Wa!
Amato gets news that the Konchozoku are stirring up trouble, and they're so bad even the Cone Kochos are scared of them.
Moody Weather
The bad robot Cloudiva is causing freak weather events around town. Amato has to stop her, before things get even worse.
Board Game Empire
Amato and friends find a mysterious board game which transports them into its world, and the only way out is to win.
The Toopee Show
Amato and MechaBot are invited to a children's show hosted by squirrel mascot Toopee, but things get weird really fast.
Out Of This Worm: Part 1
Amato's attempt to capture the bad robot Shleep is thwarted by the arrival of an alien named Chachix.
Out Of This Worm: Part 2
The bad robots are loose and Chachix plans to capture and control them all. Amato has to stop Chachix once and for all.