This series tells the story of a kind and creative boy named Amato, who comes across a prison spaceship housing many evil robots. One of them is MechaBot, who has the ability to mechanize everyday objects into high tech devices. Amato outsmarts MechaBot and becomes his master. The two bond together as friends over the course of the series and team up in the form of a superhero named Mechamato to locate and capture the evil robots that had escaped the fallen spacecraft.
Kids, Animation, Action & Adventure, Comedy, Family, Sci-Fi & Fantasy
Episodes (13)
Out of Cone-trol
On their way to school, Amato and MechaBot has just encountered a cone-shaped robots called Konchos who has been causing a rampage on Kota Hilir.
King of the Chill
When Amato, MechaBot, and Pian are going to the beach, a fridge-like robot called Sejukku has the ability to froze the entire Kota Hilir. So it's up to Amato and MechaBot to stop him.
Rubika Defense System
After capturing a goose-like robot called Goosar, MechaBot has ran out of battery which Amato and Pian brought him to a crashed spaceship where they have to deal with a cube-shaped giant robot called Rubika.
Amazeey's Labyrinth Challenge
Mr. Jamie has been kidnapped by an overconfident and challenging robot named Amazeey who had turned the entire school into a labyrinth, so it's up to Amato, MechaBot, Mara and Deep to save him before it's too late.
Don't Mess with the Janitor
Amato receives a call for help from Pian, who's being stalked in his home by a robot with bad intentions.
Social Media Ninja
Amato sets out to find who is responsible for a series of videos on social media involving people in embarrassing situations.
The Art Thief
Amato looks into a case involving a stolen piece of art, but things take a serious turn when the one responsible begins kidnapping children.
Off-Key Karaoke
Someone's terrible singing keeps Amato up every night while he tries to study for his exams. Amato finds out the voice belongs to Karok, a bad robot, who has to be stopped before Amato fails his exams.
Retro Tech
By accident, Amato and MechaBot are transported into a retro video game world, and the only way out is to beat the game.
The Arsonist
Amato and friends rush to put out a fire, but they suspect someone or something may be behind it.
A Sore Winner
It's Sports Day at school, and Amato has his sights on the top prize, but a robotic challenger appears to dash his hopes.
Block World
While camping in the forest, Amato and friends come across a mysterious mansion made of toy blocks.
The Legend of Sumorai
After a bad robot robs Uncle Gobi's store, Amato and friends set out to find it by following its trail of destruction.