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The Many Saints of Newark stirs Sopranos backstory with Goodfellas swagger
The Many Saints of Newark really looks like a movie. Decades flow past as bad men in sharkskin suits and shark-finned cars cruise a burning city. It’s American history in widescreen, and it’s utterly cinematic. Which is worth mentioning because Many Saints is a prequel to a TV show: The Sopranos.
HBO Max Watch Guide | The Many Saints of Newark
HBO’s now legendary mob saga was the precursor to and patron saint of the prestige television era, famously ushering in an era of TV with production values and visuals that rivaled those of the big screen. But even though The Sopranos often looked like a movie, this belated prequel earns its place on the bigger screen with some epic scenes.
So maybe it’s ironic that as well as premiering in theaters this Friday, Oct. 1, The Many Saints of Newark will also be available at home on streaming service HBO Max the very same day. It’s the latest big Warner Bros title to stream on HBO Max, following Tenet, Godzilla vs Kong and The Suicide Squad, with Dune and The Matrix 4 still to come. But even if you do watch from the comfort of your sofa, rest assured Many Saints is much more than an extra-long Sopranos episode.