The Big Cigar
Season: 1
Black Panther Party co-founder Huey P. Newton enlists an unlikely ally—Hollywood producer Bert Schneider—to elude an FBI manhunt and escape to Cuba.
Episodes (6)
On the heels of his overturned conviction, Huey P. Newton reignites a revolution and meets an unexpected donor.
The Cuban
Huey and Bert's bold plan falls into place. Huey attempts to move the Black Panther Party away from armed confrontation.
Guns & Matzah
Huey and Eldridge stand divided. Bert and Steve clash over Huey. The road to Cuba becomes increasingly treacherous.
What Are Friends For?
A chaotic confrontation leads to a change of plans. Huey and Bobby's differences come to light. Agent Clark pulls out all the stops.
Lost Paradise
Clark puts pressure on the Mexican government. Tragedy strikes Bert. Huey receives life-changing news—and hits another roadblock.
The Pirate
Bert works hard to prove his loyalty. Gwen inspires a grand gesture. Huey's legacy lives on.